


Software as a Service platform for travel and time use surveys

MobyApp is a state-of-the-art software as a service platform for designing and managing travel and time-use surveys personalised to your needs. It is the most efficient and sustainable way to collect data ready to be used for analysis and Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans. MobyApp is the perfect platform for authorities, companies and researchers to collect the data they need.

The MobyApp platform consists of three main components:

Harmony MS

A next generation digital twin platform integrating spatial and transport models for strategic, tactical and operational planning for passengers and freight. HARMONY MS allows the evaluation of a range of scenarios related to traditional and new mobility services for passengers and freight and offers hundreds of Key Performance Indicators to support decision making. A unique component of the platform is the activity-based modelling module that allows detailed evaluation of scenarios’ impact on citizens and travel behaviour. The platform is software agnostic and offers the opportunity to use a range of spatial or transport models that are already hosted in the platform, or connect through adaptors existing models. HARMONY MS has been applied in Rotterdam (NL), Oxfordshire (UK), Turin (IT), and Athens (GR) and soon in Larnaca (CY), Heraklion (GR), and Bologna (IT).